08:30 - 17:00

Monday - Friday

01983 241221

Contact Telephone


Email Information

We take all complaints very seriously and strive to ensure every patient experience at our practice is a positive one. We understand that sometimes we may fall short of expectations, and we believe that all our patients should have the opportunity to raise their concerns, make complaints, and provide feedback. Our goal is to address all complaints respectfully and professionally, resolving them as promptly as possible. We can learn from our mistakes, and complaints are essential for identifying areas needing improvement to enhance our services.

Important Note: Please include your full name, date of birth, and address in all written complaints. To protect patient confidentiality, we cannot discuss or acknowledge other patients without their explicit written consent unless you are a legal guardian or authorised to speak on their behalf.

1. How to Make a Complaint By Phone or In Person:

Patients can complain by telephone or in person. We will try to resolve the matter directly and informally if possible and appropriate. If not, patients will be asked to contact our complaints manager in writing by email or letter. Requests for refunds should be made in writing.

By Email or Letter:

Patients can complain in writing by email to directors@monksbrookdental.co.uk or by delivering a letter to the practice. We recommend hand delivery or recorded/signed-for delivery to avoid postal service failures.

2. The Complaints Procedure

Complaints Manager: Vanessa Pirga is responsible for handling and considering complaints in the practice.

Acknowledgement: We aim to acknowledge all complaints in writing within three working days and enclose a copy of this complaints policy, alongside confirmation of whether the complaint will be handled by the practice or the treating clinician. We will respond via email unless otherwise requested. If you do not receive an acknowledgment within three working days, please contact the practice immediately, preferably by telephone. Should the complaints manager be away from the practice, our team will let you know her date for return.

Clinical Complaints: If the complaint concerns a dentist or clinical care, it will be referred directly to the clinician involved by the complaints manager. Clinicians are responsible for their own care, and the practice does not take responsibility for clinical care provided, including acts or omissions. If you do not want the complaint forwarded to the clinician, please inform us immediately, however, this may impede the ability to investigate the complaint. Please note that for clinical complaints, the practice’s role is to facilitate communication between the clinician and the patient. It is not typically appropriate for the practice to comment on the complaint itself.

Post-Engagement Complaints: Clinicians remain responsible for the care they provide after leaving the practice. Complaints and any relevant records will be forwarded to them unless requested otherwise. The practice cannot control whether such clinicians respond, and patients may contact The Dental Complaints Service or the General Dental Council if a response is not received.

Investigation: We seek to investigate all complaints promptly and efficiently, keeping patients informed about the progress. We aim to respond within 14 working days, and if more time is needed, we will communicate this.

Discussion: We may ask to discuss the complaint directly via telephone, face-to-face meetings, letters, or email.

Response: Upon completing the investigation, we will provide a written response explaining how the complaint was considered, conclusions reached, any remedial actions taken, or proposed further actions.

Records: Proper records are kept of complaints received and actions taken as a

Rude or Aggressive Complaints: The practice may refuse further correspondence with excessively rude or aggressive complainants or those with vexatious complaints. A
vexatious complaint is one made without sufficient grounds and intended to cause inconvenience, harassment, or distress rather than address a legitimate concern.
These complaints are often repetitive, frivolous, or malicious, and may include exaggerated or fabricated allegations, repeated complaints about the same issue despite previous resolutions, or unnecessarily aggressive or abusive behaviour toward staff. Such complaints detract from the practice’s ability to address genuine issues and improve service quality. We do not tolerate any form of abuse towards our team members, and harassment will be reported to the police.

3. If We Are Unable to Resolve the Complaint Locally

If our in-house complaints procedure does not resolve the matter, patients can contact the appropriate external authorities:

For practice based complaints, the Care Quality Commission (CQC):

Phone: 03000 616161,
Email: enquiries@cqc.org.uk

For complaints regarding clinical care, the Dental Complaints Service for Private
Treatment: 37 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8DQ (020 8253 0800 or https://contactus.gdc-uk.org/dcs/Complaint/PrivatePatients)